How do we move forward with confidence, with a strength that supports our whare tapa whā. Barbara Thomason (Ngāti Hauiti) from Ohingaiti, in the Rangitīkei talks about being tūrangawaewae of the land and how the whenua, the pace of her ancestors, the place of...
The idea for the Bulls Food Pantry was born from the first lockdown in 2020, when it was discovered there were whānau from Bulls who were regularly using the Marton Food Pantry. This was putting extra pressure on the Marton Pantry and highlighted the need for an...
Community Fruit Harvest Manawatū shares fruit from people’s own backyards and orchards from the Rangitīkei through to the Manawatū. Debra and Larnz from Community Fruit Harvest Manawatū work to make it easy for fruit tree owners to share this fruit. These people...
FLOW is a kaupapa in Whanganui between the community, Police and Iwi that wraps around whānau to support them in times of crises. We got to talk to the Peter Porter, who was the previous kaihautū, and his team, to tell us how this kaupapa helps whānau get the help and...
Ngā Puna Rau o Rangitīkei is a collaborative group made up of iwi and council representatives within the Rangitīkei catchment who have been working together over the last 7+ years. The group have been working to develop and implement a more strategic and collaborative...