Good Mahi: Barbara Thomason, Ohingaiti, Rangitīkei

Nov 11, 2022 | Good Mahi Stories

How do we move forward with confidence, with a strength that supports our whare tapa whā. Barbara Thomason (Ngāti Hauiti) from Ohingaiti, in the Rangitīkei talks about being tūrangawaewae of the land and how the whenua, the pace of her ancestors, the place of belonging is her ūkaipō. It’s about finding out who we are, what our identity is.

This is being threatened as we allow the pressures of life, social structures, and uncurated information overrun our minds, our wairua and hearts. This place provides her balance, a strong foundation to plant her feet.

Absorbing the wisdom from her ancestors she can walk forward with confidence and keep the ahikā burning for the next generation.

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