Good Mahi Story: The Eco School Whanganui

We got the chance to shoot out to the eco school here in Whanganui and talk to the owners, Nelson and Dani Lebo. They talk about the importance of high quality environmental education and how this should be affordable to everybody. They express how an outdoor learning...

Good Mahi Story: Thrive Whanganui

Kia ora tātou and Happy New Year! This week we are profiling the amazing people at Thrive and how they move ‘profit for purpose enterprises from niche to norm.’ Doing business differently to bring more wellbeing to the world. With a desire to see a better tomorrow,...

Good Mahi Story: Jigsaw Whanganui

Our good mahi story this week features the team from Jigsaw Whanganui discussing their kaupapa and the range of services they offer to strengthen families and whānau support across our rohe. Taking a non-judgemental and caring approach, they are changing the lives of...
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