Pathways to Equity and Wellbeing:

Taking Action for Systemic Change.

Complex Community Concern:
Family Harm

To effectively address family harm in Aotearoa, we must consider immediate interventions alongside long-term preventative measures, while placing lived experience at the heart, in order to dismantle the underlying factors that sustain patterns of harm.


Only through this approach can we truly hope to achieve meaningful change.

Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā muri ake nei.

For us and our children after us.

This Whakataukī acknowledges the importance of creating a positive impact for those that live today, and those that will come after us.

Get in touch

Our journey is your journey.

If you've got a story to tell or want to find out more about the Impact Collective, we'd love to hear from you.

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