Whanganui Equity and Wellbeing Profile

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We’re excited to announce that after many months interacting with our amazing community, hearing your stories and insights about wellbeing and equity, alongside analysing data and stats from our Rohe Equity and Wellness Dashboard, we have completed the Whanganui Equity and Wellbeing Profile Report.

A report that provides incredible insights on the strengths and opportunities to build a more resilient, thriving community within the Whanganui Region.

As our whakatauki states, Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari kē he toa takitini – My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, it was not individual success but the success of a collective. 

This Whakataukī acknowledges the team and community effort that it has taken to bring the data and people insights together in this Whanganui Equity and Wellbeing Profile – its success has come from the contribution of many.

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If you've got a story to tell or want to find out more about the Impact Collective, we'd love to hear from you.