IC Podcast: Danielle Horrocks & Steve Carey

Apr 14, 2023 | Good Mahi Stories, Podcasts

🎧 We’re excited to share our latest podcast episode with you! Join us as we chat with Steve Carey and Danielle Horrocks about community engagement, mahi stories, and the importance of collecting data for a better understanding of our communities.

💬 One of the key takeaways from our conversation is the value of being on the ground and talking face to face with people. It’s through these conversations that we can gain a deeper understanding of the needs and desires of our communities. By listening to people’s stories and experiences, we can gain insights into what is working well, what needs improvement, and what is missing. This firsthand knowledge adds incredible value in shaping the overall wellbeing of communities.

🌟 We also explore the power of community-led projects and the impact they can have on social change. Through sharing inspiring mahi stories, we highlight the importance of collaboration, inclusivity, and empowerment in creating meaningful social impact. 📈 And of course, we delve into the importance of collecting and analysing data to gain a more holistic view of our communities. By combining quantitative data with qualitative insights gained through community engagement, we can make more informed decisions and find opportunities that truly meet the needs of our communities.

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